For any other questions, please reach out.
What is Motherest?
Motherest is a community of women & mothers brought together by the goal of engaging more in rest and prioritizing their self-care. Motherest is all about supporting mothers and women to live more joyfully, mindfully, and authentically.
What are your prices?
Our rates are competitive for the area and level of education, training & experience.
Group coaching, workshops, and gatherings vary from 0-50 EUR, depending on the event.
If you’re interested in Individual Coaching, please reach out so we can discuss sustainable pricing options for you.
What kinds of services do you offer?
We offer individual coaching sessions in-person at our Castelldefels studio, the beach, a coffee shop, or virtually (video/phone call). We offer group coaching, workshops, and meetups in-person & online as well.
What kinds of events do you offer?
Events are for community building and engagement and are intended to be lighthearted, sometimes educational, and fun! Our events include workshops (ie. self care skills), groups (ie. group coaching for new moms) and meetups (ie. expat moms walk).
Where are you located?
We are currently offering individual services & workshops/groups at Cocoon by Olivia in downtown Castelldefels. We are unable to accommodate walk-ins at this time.
Is this coaching or therapy?
Coaching. Although trained to practice clinical psychotherapy in the US, the services I promote and offer outside the US are conditioned by the laws and regulations of Spain. This means that my practice as a coach does not allow me to diagnose or treat any mental health condition. Under no condition will the services I offer be interpreted as a medical mental health treatment, psychotherapy, or mental health counseling.